You are invited to spend time in prayer and discernment so that we may, together, ask our Lord:
1. What are those gifts you have so generously given us?
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WHAT IS GOD’S DREAM FOR YOU? Explore your VOCATION with the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul. Join our prayerful and reflective “Come & See” Retreat. See what being a Sister is all about. September 27-September 29, 2024 in The Bay Area, (Los Altos Hills). Stay with us! Pray with us! Get to know us! Become your best self and live your best life! For Single Catholic Women 18-40. For more information: WWW.DAUGHTERS-OF-CHARITY.COM/RETREATS/
Thursday 6:00pm— Sunday 4:00pm
Held at St. Rita’s Retreat Center in Gold Hill, Oregon
(Exit #40 on I-5, 17 miles north of Medford)
WOMEN’S WEEKEND October 3rd-6th
MEN’S WEEKEND October 17th-20th
Click for more information
The car wash planned for August 17th is being postponed due to an unfavorable weather forecast for Saturday. A new date has yet to be decided upon.
El lavado de vehículos previsto para el 17 de agosto se pospone debido a las previsiones meteorológicas desfavorables para el sábado. Todavía no se ha decidido una nueva fecha.
OLPH is seeking donations for the annual Garage sale. Someone will be at the church to accept donations from 11:30am to 3pm until July 17th. Click here for full details.